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For this project, I developed a logo and website for Bethesda Soccer Club Buddy Camp: a free soccer day camp for children with developmental disabilities.


The camp had been sponsored by BSC for multiple years, but was in the process of a rebrand from “Jacob’s Soccer Camp” to “BSC Buddy Camp.” I helped to launch this rebrand through a new logo reflecting the ideals of the camp along with creating a website that aids in helping registration for the camp itself.


One thing that made this project’s experience unique was the very limited timeline. I completed this rebranding, logo design, and website from concept to final product in one week.

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When brainstorming and creating the logo, I wanted to focus on distinguishing this camp from the original BSC camp, while making prospective campers and their loved ones feel like the camp would be welcoming, fun and safe.


Choosing this bright orange hue allowed me to express the intended ideals of the camp while complimenting it with a blue helped tie it back to BSC’s branding. Orange tends to reflect enthusiasm and excitement, exactly the message and spirit I wanted to create from this logo design.


Two main goals I had were keeping a legible, clean design, and creating a unique, memorable design. Animating the two “D’s” into little characters holding hands allowed the logo to reflect the whole concept of the buddy camp.









I organized the site into four pages: home, registration, about, and gallery. I also made it a priority to make the sign-up process user-friendly by clearly displaying the link to the sign up page on the top menu bar as well. From the sign page, users would then be able to complete their entire sign-up process, upload their forms, and submit them.

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In addition, I also made sure the mobile experience was up to par with the web experience, ensuring the URL is usable on a phone. 


The home page gives background on BSC Buddy Camp, as well as providing links to the registration page for campers and volunteers. It also features an embedded youtube video from camp in a previous year. 

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As extra deliverables for this branding project, I  created a t-shirt design and a flyer. The t-shirt design is for campers to receive one when they attend the camp, while the flyer is sent out by email each year to introduce the camp or remind campers and volunteers to sign up.


Both of these products have been designed to meet the client’s needs and expectations.

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Check out the site yourself by clicking the link below!


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