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Rouge Abroad is a project created by our class of 8 students who attended a SCAD study abroad creative business intensive experience in Europe.


We created a website to share our experience for any current or future students, as well as parents, and of course as somewhere for us to look back on to remember details of our journey!


For this project, I created the website that holds the content for all 8 students, and worked hard to create a captivating, engaging user experience. 


My Role: created website & sizzle reel, assisted with logo design, helped with project management 

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"While taking Social Strategy 220: Messaging and Management, eight students from the Savannah College of Art and Design traveled from Savannah to London, Lacoste, Rome, and Florence to experience an education beyond the classroom. They gained cultural, educational, and immersive experiences through their excursions to complement the content taught by Professor Oscar Betancur.


The course focused on creating content with individuality while formulating the right strategy to capture and resonate with the right audience, all while staying true to the brand’s voice. The team includes students from a broad range of majors including Graphic Design, Fashion Marketing and Management, Advertising and Branding, Social Strategy and Management, and Writing. While abroad, these students built a deeper understanding of the global market, various European cultures, and developed their networking skills as creative professionals."


View our whole processbook by clicking the link below: 


I crafted this sizzle reel to be featured on the landing page of the Rouge website in order to draw viewers in, as well as give an exciting, fun, introduction to who we are. I made this motion graphics piece in after effects, using videos and photos I gathered from the group to highlight our excursion. 






Check out the site yourself by clicking the link below!


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